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Bluefaced Leicester

Bluefaced Leicesters (BFL) fit into our program seamlessly.  They are moderate framed, high-producing sheep with amazing wool.  BFL's have distinctly curled and locky fleeces that make them sought after by fiber artists for a variety of purposes in their crafts.  BFL's are the finest of the Leicester breeds in the U.S. and have silky soft wool.  We specialize in easy to care for, true to breed type, exquisitely fleeced animals.  

Iron Water Ranch Midnight - BFL Ewe Lamb

Iron Water Ranch Midnight

BFL Ewe Lamb


Iron Water Ranch Ewe Lambs
Sharing a Molasses tub

We are focused on breeding for the best animal we can.  Meaning superior body structure as well as dense fleeces with beautiful curls and heavy shearing weights.  Our goal is to have all of our BFL fleeces next to skin soft and exquisite for the handspinner or fiber artist.

Each year, we have a select number of BFL lambs and adults available to new homes.  Our flock is registered with BLU.


  Get on our list to be contacted about available animals in 2025!

Iron Water Ranch Bridget - BFL ewe.jpg

Iron Water Ranch Bridget

BFL Ewe Fleece

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