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IWR Spring Lambing 2021

Lambing is complete! A long couple of months that are always so rewarding. We had beautiful, healthy lambs of every breed born between January and April. It is always the best sorting through the lambs and starting to make plans for fall lambing as well as next year's spring lambing. In order to get fall born lambs, the ewe being bred need to go out with the ram in May. That doesn't leave much time to change gears!

This lambing season was incredibly successful given the challenges during our breeding season last fall. It certainly seemed like our ewes couldn't catch a break when the lambs that had been conceived during the wildfires in the fall were born during a terrible ice storm. Hardy lambs are absolutely what we breed for, but it certainly seems like the lambs this year might be the toughest ever.

Summer is just around the corner and with that comes the return of some fairs! Due to health concerns, a few of the festivals we typically attend chose to hold off for another year, but we are incredibly excited for their return in 2022. We hope to get some of our lambs prettied up and attend a few events this year.

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